in glass

Ai Weiwei, Black Chandelier (details)

When moving from one state to another, glass changes the feeling of your body, of your own mortality.
Michael Joo, artist

Fondazione Berengo Venice
Ai Weiwei, Black Chandelier (details)

I think what Adriano Berengo did is exceptionally brilliant. He believes in contemporary expression, but at the same time tries to develop this old technique into a new language. I’m a contemporary artist, but I am always learning and working with tradition.
Ai Weiwei, artist

Fondazione Berengo Venice
Ai Weiwei, Black Chandelier (details)

I was really looking for a way that transmits light differently in my artwork and what better way than glass!
Joyce J. Scott, artist

Fondazione Berengo Venice
Ai Weiwei, Black Chandelier (details)

The material has its own will, so you end up with the most interesting artworks. You start something with your destination unknown and you end up somewhere new and exciting. It’s a creative process without a doubt. Being led by the material, you learn from it.
Tony Cragg, artist

Fondazione Berengo Venice
Ai Weiwei, Black Chandelier (details)

Has the time for glass come? It could be the start of the next big art world thing.
Rachel Campbell-Johnston, The Times

Fondazione Berengo Venice Fondazione Berengo Venice

Fondazione Berengo

San Marco 2847
30124 Venezia - Italy

+39 041.739453


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